Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Seminar time...

The 7th semester is fast drawing curtains and the classes are being rushed up in order to complete the portions on time. But since most of the lecturers couldnt able to complete the portions on time, they have resorted to this new technique called Seminars. Almost all the lecturers are now making it a habit to ask a group of students to take a seminar on the topic that they give.. This is one of those stupid methods of teaching because it is the duty of the teacher to teach the stuff to students.. What happens here is that when a student takes a seminar, the other students generally dont tend to pay attention to what he/she teaches and it becomes a big joke after all.. I feel that this actually is sheer time waste and needs to be given an overlook. I am largely against this seminar sessions just because of the simple reason that I have also been assigned a seminar on friday and I dont know a shit about that subject called OOAD and even the staff doesnt know... So, lets hope this stops and also hope I get through these damn 7th sem subjects in the semester exams..

