Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cultural fever..

The culturals is one of the big matter of pride for any department in any college. Some of the biggest cultural events happening around the city are Saarang of IIT, Techofes of Anna Univ, Mitafest of MIT and some more at many colleges in and around TN. But this cultural fever is about the Sai Carnival 2008, the intra-collegiate culturals happening in Sairam engg college. This year, it is going to be something special for us gags as this is the last year for us. So, we undoubtedly want to make it big this time. The events are Face painting, Collage, Vegetable carving, Tamil and English poetry, Dumbc, Quiz, Adzap, Variety, Dance and Antakshari. We have so far won 3rd in Face painting and also 1st in Dumbc and Quiz. But due to the poor points and rules, we are 4 points behind ECE dept although they haven't won 1st in any event. Anyway, we are hoping to win this Culturals Cup. Anyways, we will do our best and let God do the rest.

